Mold in your attic? Not anymore!
Attic Cleaning

Professional Attic Cleaning Services

Let our experts make your attic is completely mold free

Attic Cleaning

Attic Cleaning Services | Attic Cleaning Walnut Creek, CA

Every house needs its attic to be cleaned every once in a while. Sometimes it is required due to a long period of time that has passed from the last clean up, sometimes it is as preparation for moving into a new home and sometimes it is necessary due to worn-out insulation that has led to dirt, dust and contamination. What are professional attic cleaning services, when is it best to perform them and why hire us? All details ahead.

Professional Cleaning of Your House's Attic

Talking about professional cleaning of the attic, whether at home or at your business, doesn't refer to just dust cleaning or a part of spring cleaning, but it is a much more thorough cleaning. This means it is aimed at dealing not only with accumulated dust but also with infections such as bacteria, while ensuring they won't appear again anytime soon. We're talking about a team of professionals that clear everything out of the way and use powerful detergents and cleaning materials on each and every inch of your attic – floors, walls and ceilings included. It may not be a service that you need frequently, but you should do it as soon as the situation requires you to do so.

When Should You Call for Attic Cleaning Services?

Most homeowners call for such services when moving to a new house, in order to ensure that the attic is clean of any possible contaminations. Others choose to have it done once a year before winter or before summer, in order to prepare for the more extreme weather of the year. The rest call for these services whenever they spot some kind of mold in the house's attic, on walls or on ceilings. Whenever you choose to hire cleaning services for your attic, make sure you call professionals to do the job, just like our technicians at Attic Cleaning Walnut Creek.

Why Choose Our Services?

Our company believes in good service and in guaranteeing customers' satisfaction. And we do so by offering comprehensive services for both houses and businesses. We offer a high level of professionalism, we equip our team with the best tools and we offer all of our services for affordable prices. So, the next time you need your attic cleaned – call us and we will be happy to assist!

We also offer the following services:

Attic Air Sealing

Air Duct Repair and Replacement

Cleaning & Decontamination

Rodent Proofing & Rat Control Services


If you have any queries, don't hesitate to leave your contact information below. We are happy to answer any and all questions you may have!


Your satisfaction is our highest priority, and we will try our best to accommodate any problems or requests you may have.

How can we help?
Select Date and time
Feb 9, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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Thank you for choosing our company to take care of your attic! Until our appointment, browse our website for blogs, tips, FAQ and more!